Tuesday 8 September 2015

Essence of a photograph

What’s the essence of a photograph?  The social networking sites are filled with pictures ranging from mundane selfies to family photos from the past; from the breathtaking majestic mountains to the captures of chaotic traffic by a DSLR. Photos are indeed another way of expressing ourselves but their most important contribution lies in the fact that they can transport us to our past visually.

Memories are something which is very dear to each one of us. Pictures have that ability to take us back in time. For e.g., there is a great sense of joy when we look back at the photographs of our childhood. A simple pleasure which only a picture can grant in the most effective manner.

Most of us would have much cherished photo albums which now remain a thing of the past in this digital age of photography.We love to turn to them when we miss our old innocent selves, a quick glance of our classroom, or a sneak peek into the college hostel rooms. A family trip to a hill station or the sparklingfacesin a marriage function. These events remain with us forever in photographs. A piece of our past, our joyous moments, great times with our friends, and we tend to hold them dearly.

When one moves away from his homeland he/she always carries a picture of his family and home. It gives us a sense of connection and closeness to our loved ones and our beloved homeland.

Scientific advances might seem ineffective if they do not bring us close to our deepest desire of being happy. Photographs are able to do that and to great effect. A reservoir of memories in that rectangular piece of paper shapes a smile on that face, and that’s the essence of a photograph.

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